Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, May 14, 2012
Fukushima Radiation Release is Worse than You Have Been Told What You Can Do to Protect Yourself
by Steve Hickey, PhD; Atsuo
Yanagisawa, MD, PhD; Andrew W. Saul, PhD; Gert E. Schuitemaker, PhD;
Damien Downing, MD
(OMNS May 14, 2012) People have been misinformed about the tragedy at Fukushima and its consequences. There is a continuing cover up, the reactors have not been stabilized, and radiation continues to be released.
Japanese Government Minimizes Danger; Ignores Vitamin C
In the fall of 2011, JCIT presented a
study that Fukushima workers had abnormality gene expression, which may be
avoided using dietary antioxidants, especially vitamin C. The data was
presented in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. The JCIT sent letters to the
government urging the government to tell the people how they may protect
themselves from radiation. To date, the recommendation has been ignored by
Japanese government and TEPCO (Tokyo Electric Power Company).
Linus Pauling gained the Nobel Peace Prize
in part based on his calculations of the number of deaths from nuclear
weapons fallout.[1] He was supported by physicist and father of the Soviet
bomb Andrei Sakharov, who also later received the Nobel Prize for
peace.[2] These and other scientists estimated that there would be an
extra 10,000 deaths worldwide for each megaton nuclear test in the
atmosphere. A nuclear reactor can contain much more radioactive material
than a nuclear weapon. Fukushima had six reactors, plus stored additional
radioactive material and nuclear waste.
How Radiation Damages Cells
Ionizing radiation acts to damage living
tissue by forming free radicals. Essentially, electrons are ripped from
molecules. Removing an electron from an atom or molecule turns it into an
ion, hence the term ionizing radiation. X-rays, gamma rays, alpha- and
beta-radiation are all ionizing.
Most of the damage occurs from ionizing
radiation generating free radicals in water, as water molecules are by far
the most abundant in the body. While avoiding unnecessary exposure to
ionizing radiation is clearly preferable, people affected by Fukushima do
not have the luxury of avoiding contamination.
Antioxidants: Free-Radical Scavengers
Free-radical scavengers, as the name
suggests, mop up the damaging radicals produced by radiation. The more
common term for free radical scavenger is antioxidant. Antioxidants
replace the electrons stripped from molecules by ionizing radiation.
Antioxidants have long been used in the treatment of radiation
poisoning.[3-7] Most of the harm from ionizing radiation occurs from free
radical damage which may be quenched by the free electrons antioxidants
provide. Fortunately, safe antioxidants are widely available as
nutritional supplements. Vitamin C is the prime example.
Why Vitamin C?
Vitamin C is of particular importance and
should be included at high intakes for anyone trying to minimize radiation
poisoning. High dose vitamin C provides continual antioxidant flow through
the body. It is absorbed from the gut and helps to replenish the other
antioxidants. When it is used up, it is excreted in the urine.
Importantly, it can chelate, or grab onto, radioactive heavy metal atoms
and help eliminate them from the body. Large dynamic flow doses of vitamin
C (about 3,000 mg, taken 4 times a day for a total of 12,000 mg) would
exemplify antioxidant treatment. Higher doses have been used by Dr. Atsuo
Yanagisawa and colleagues. [8,9]
Shortly after the disaster, Dr. Damien
Downing described how supplements can help protect against radioactive
fallout.[10] OMNS issued an update on the response to Fukushima in
Japan.[11] Recently, Dr. Gert Schuitemaker has provided a review of
vitamin C as a radio-protectant for Fukushima contamination.[12]
Persons living in the areas affected by
radioactive contamination can take antioxidant supplements, especially
high doses of vitamin C, to counteract the negative consequences of
long-term low dose radiation exposure, as well as to protect the health of
coming generations.[12,13] People who have a possible internal or external
radiation exposure should take antioxidant supplements to maintain an
optimal antioxidant reserve. Because of the enormous size and oceanic
spread of Fukushima contamination, this literally applies to everyone.
1. The Nobel Foundation (1962) The Nobel Peace Prize 1962, Linus Pauling Biography,
2. Sakharov A. (1975) The Nobel Peace
Prize 1975, Andrei Sakharov, Autobiography,
3. Brown SL, Kolozsvary A, Liu J, et al:
Antioxidant diet supplementation starting 24 hours after exposure reduces
radiation lethality. Radiat Res, 2010; 173: 462-468.
4. Zueva NA, Metelitsa LA, Kovalenko AN,
et al: Immunomodulating effect of berlithione in clean-up workers of the
Chernobyl nuclear plant accident [Article in Russian]. Lik Sprava, 2002;
(1): 24-26.
5. Yamamoto T, Kinoshita M et al.
Pretreatment with ascorbic acid prevents lethal gastrointestinal syndrome
in mice receiving a massive amount of radiation. J Radiat Res (Tokyo)
2010; 51(2):145-56
6. Gaby A. Intravenous Nutrient Therapy:
the "Myers' Cocktail". Alt Med Rev 2002; 7(5):389:403
7. Narra VR, Howell RW, Sastry KS, Rao DV.
Vitamin C as a radioprotector against iodine-131 in vivo. J Nucl Med 1993;
8. Yanagisawa A. Orthomolecular approaches against radiation exposure. Presentation Orthomolecular Medicine Today Conference. Toronto 2011 )
9. Green MH, Lowe JE et al. Effect of diet
and vitamin C on DNA strand breakage in freshly-isolated human white blood
cells. Mutat Res 1994; 316(2):91-102
10. Downing D. (2011) Radioactive Fallout:
Can Nutritional Supplements Help?, A Personal Viewpoint, OMNS, May 10,
11. OMNS (2012) Vitamin C Prevents Radiation Damage, Nutritional Medicine in Japan, Orthomolecular Medicine News Service, February 1.
12. Schuitemaker GE. Vitamin C as
protection against radiation exposure. J Orthomolecular Med 2011, 26: 3;
141-145. [Also in Dutch: Schuitemaker G.E. Radioactiviteit in Japan:
Orthomoleculair antwoord. Ortho 2011:3, June. ]
13. Yanagisawa A, Uwabu M, Burkson BE, Weeks BS, Hunninghake R, Hickey S, Levy T, (2011) Environmental radioactivity and health. Official JCIT Statement, March 29.
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Editorial Review Board:
Ian Brighthope, M.D. (Australia)
K. Campbell, M.D. (USA)
Carolyn Dean, M.D., N.D. (USA)
Downing, M.D. (United Kingdom)
Dean Elledge, D.D.S., M.S. (USA)
Michael Ellis, M.D. (Australia)
Martin P. Gallagher, M.D., D.C.
Michael Gonzalez, D.Sc., Ph.D. (Puerto Rico)
William B.
Grant, Ph.D. (USA)
Steve Hickey, Ph.D. (United Kingdom)
James A.
Jackson, Ph.D. (USA)
Michael Janson, M.D. (USA)
Robert E. Jenkins,
D.C. (USA)
Bo H. Jonsson, M.D., Ph.D. (Sweden)
Thomas Levy, M.D.,
J.D. (USA)
Stuart Lindsey, Pharm.D. (USA)
Jorge R.
Miranda-Massari, Pharm.D. (Puerto Rico)
Karin Munsterhjelm-Ahumada,
M.D. (Finland)
Erik Paterson, M.D. (Canada)
W. Todd Penberthy,
Ph.D. (USA)
Gert E. Schuitemaker, Ph.D. (Netherlands)
Robert G.
Smith, Ph.D. (USA)
Jagan Nathan Vamanan, M.D. (India)
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